Thursday, April 30, 2009

I was an "IBO" with CyberWize late last year. I lost almost $1200 over four months and this was *after* I built my downline.

Remember that you only have 72 hours to get a 100% refund.

I found this on another sight. I wish I had seen this last October:

1. In the summer of 2004, CyberWize was fined $100,000 by the Economic
Crime Division of the Florida Office of the Attorney General.

2. Former CyberWize executive Gregg Sturz has said that, "In addition
to the deceptive statements and practices of the Plaintiff its
promotion of an inherently fraudulent pyramid scheme "omits to state a
material fact" when it does not explain to its Êdistributors that the
program is bound to collapse."

3. According to the Better Business Bureau, CyberWize has an
"unsatisfactory" record in dealing with customer complaints.

4. In October of 1996, CyberWize owner Mark McCool "agreed to pay
restitution and agreed to a revocation of his insurance license. This
action was based on allegations of utilizing premiums for his own

5. "The mean average income of the bottom 99% of the active Cyberwize
sales representatives was $5.61 per week (before expenses and taxes
are deducted resulting in a significant loss)."

6. CyberWize was fined $3,000 in 2004 through "Project Biz Opp Flop, a
coordinated attack on misleading and bogus money-making schemes."